THE GREAT PYRAMID: Built to Represent the Human Body?

 A water pump, a power plant, an Extraterrestrial landing strip, a beacon, a weapon, an observatory, a tomb – these are some of the labels assigned to the Great Pyramid of Egypt. But there is one idea that has not been presented or explored, and it is possibly the simplest of all: that it was designed and built to represent us.
Alright. Down to business.
The Human Body: Our Spiritual Anatomy.

According to esoteric tradition, fully realized human beings in heightened states of awareness are composed of eight elements:


The four elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.
The twelve signs of the Zodiac.
A secret “thirteenth” sign containing the other twelve within itself.
Chakras, or the body’s seven energy centers.
Third eye.
Kundalini, most often described as a coiled serpent existing within the body in conjunction with the chakras.
Androgeny (i.e. two genders in one).

How does the Great Pyramid contain all this? Let’s start with the four elements.

Each of the pyramid’s four sides represents one element. Our bodies have the four elements of Earth (that which gives us substance), Air (allowing us to breathe), Water (over 85 % of our total body mass), and Fire (what keeps our inner temperature at 98.6 degrees), and the Great Pyramid contains these as well. That’s it. Simple as that.

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The Astrological Pyramid.

How does the pyramid display the twelve signs? Easy. According to astrology, each element has three signs. Therefore, each side of the pyramid has three signs – one for each corner of the structure. Earth, for instance, has Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Air has Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. The Water element contains Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces. And as for Fire, we find within it the signs of Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.

The Crystal Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid is shaped like half of a naturally growing octahedron crystal: 51 degrees between its slopes and the base. The message? If the pyramid is a crystal and crystals reside within us (and they do, since our bodies return to the earth once we die and help in the formation of crystals), then we should be able to do everything crystals can. And where do we find crystals? We find them in calculators, watches, computers, cellphones, radios, GPS devices, and so on. Eventually we will discover that we are capable of emulating and surpassing our best technological discoveries and developments – simply with our own minds. This might seem like a far-fetched statement to make, but keep in mind that technology does indeed come from human ingenuity (and some would say, from inspiration).
The Chakra Pyramid.

What happens to light as it passes through a crystal prism? Answer: it refracts (bends) and becomes visible to the naked eye as the rainbow colored spectrum. The Great Pyramid, of course, may not specifically contain this spectrum since it’s a mountain of stone, but since the pyramid is crystal shaped and crystals divide light…you get the picture. Basically, The sun shines into the human body (which, again, contains crystals) and reveals the seven chakras.
The All-Seeing Pyramid.

Take a second look at the Great Seal on the back of the American dollar bill. What do you see at the top of the pyramid? An eye. Now why in the world would an inanimate stone structure have an eye – unless the structure itself wasn’t inanimate at all? If the Great Pyramid was designed to represent the human body, then it stands to reason that it would be equipped to see as a human would, wouldn’t it? After all, they say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. And no human eye can see as clearly or as deeply as our spiritual third eye.

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